FOP mission: A nonprofit citizen run 501c3 founded in 2007 with the intent of: identifying, funding and implementing green space improvements and initiatives in the Town of Abita Springs. FOP also promotes and provides healthful activities and cultural programs that collectively enrich the lives of the community.
This year’s event will feature in coordination with the Abita Springs Art & Farmers Market, Town of Abita Springs, & Keep Abita Beautiful:
1. Presentation of trees to be planted in Carnation Street Park. Attendees may want to sign up to help install these trees with KAB and the Carnation Street Park group.
2. 200 native trees (3-5 gallon) will be given away FREE to attendees – one per household. Compliments of Apache Corporation. We wrote a grant to receive the funds and will be working with Jenkins Nursery in Amite to fill the order locally. They specialize in native trees and we always find some interesting selections from Margi-Ann Jenkins. Master gardeners will be on-hand to help people select which trees would be best for their home environments. See FB and website for list.
3. There will be a variety of expert speakers. The format will be more of an informal interviews which encourages questions from the audience. Folks seem to have enjoyed this last year, so we are trying it again to keep everyone engaged.
4. The Abita Art and Farmer’s Market will be happening from 11-3, so there will be plenty of locally grown or produced products, food, and beverages to choose from.
5. St. Tammany Parish Library will we will have a crafts for children to do and present storytimes at 11:30 & 1:30pm with a focus on "green" topics, health, and nature.
6. Live Music by local musicians the Lo Amps and Flying Vaughan’s!
For those who wish to get involved, contact is website:
Always looking for sponsors and volunteers to help us bring FREE community events to our Town.
Check our website and FB for updates on speakers and available trees!!!
Abita Friends of the Park -or-